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Attiny Serial Port Programmer

Contents.Serial Port based AVR ISP ProgrammerSerial port programmer(reference: ) is shown here. Main advantage of using serial port is you can have cable length upto 2m. You can use software to program your AVR using this programmer. Serial port generates +- 12V on its pins, thus diodes and zener diode is used to clamp +12V to +5.0V(4.7V due to zener + 0.3V due to bat85) and -12V to -0.3V (due to lower Bat85). You can substitute Bat85 with 1n4148, however it is not recommended because, this diode will clamp +12V and -12V to +5.4V and -0.7V which are not desirable, as per datasheet of microcontroller. Select “parallel”, from drop down box select “Avr isp i/o”, select “LPT1”. Click OK.

Attiny Serial Port Programmer

Now select menu SetupCalibration. A dialog box will appear, click YES. Now PonyProg2000 is configured and ready to use.

To burn your.Hex file into micro, select FileOpen Program(FLASH) file. Ryan adams and the cardinals cold roses rare 2017. Select appropriate microcontroller from the list of devices at top-right. E.g. Connect your programmer ckt to PC, then place your micro into programmer ckt and turn on its power supply.

Now click on the encircled icon:. When device is programmed you will get “Program succesful” message.Notes. Circuit diagrams shown above are generic and suitable for any AVR µC which supports ISP (almost all AVR, you can refer to Connect pins (e.g.

MISO,MOSI, etc) of AVR to appropriate points shown in circuit diagram. You can built programmer for more than one AVR devices by using different IC sockets for each device and doing appropriate connections of all above signal lines ( MISO,MOSI,SCK,RESET,X1,X2) and Vcc,Gnd of each AVR. Prefer using ZIF socket with IC base(refer: How to use ZIF socket in circuit without re-drilling holes on PCBs).

Though It is bit costly, it proves extremely helpful. Hello Elecrom.thanks for the simple but awesome ckt.I made the parallel port versionused 4 Mhz crystal as described in the ckt.Made all the other connections(MOSI,MISO,SCK,RESET,VCC,GND) as described.I calibrated the Pony Progselected AVR ISP I/O.loaded the hex file.I want to program AT89S52 but not having found that I selected AT89S8252 both having similarSPI.But it gives ‘DEVICE NOT RECOGNIZED’same with AT89S53.So I tried with Asim Khan’s ISP softwareIt gives the message: “No Response from uc.” and mismatch of device signatureKindly help.Thanks. Device signatures for 89S52 and 89S8252 are different as they are two different devices. Pony prog verifies the device signature before continuing. If you want to use Asim Khan’s programmer you have to make sure that parallel port pin configuration of the ISP programmer’s circuit and that used in Asim Khan’s programmer is same.

Alternative is to use “ISP programmer” developed by “Adam Dybkowski”. This software has provision to configure parallel port pins. You can change the settings in that software according to the schematic shown on the blog. It works if properly configured.

I am a newbie at these. So please help me clear a confusion. I have read in other websites that you require a MAX232 in between the Female D9 connector and the avr interface to convert the signals correctly. But the circuit for the serial connector does not have any such approach. Does the circuit compensates for that? Please clear my confusions.And if someone had made it working plz drop in a confirmation comment, that this works.

I want to be absolutely sure coz i dont want to burn the atmega32, i have, instead of burning the code! AldrinAVR, I will recommend you two books:– Programming and Custelecromzing AVR – Dhanajay Gadre– AVR microcontroller primer programming and interfacing– and of course exact and to the point information is available in datasheet of the respective controller#asm, #endasm is used to insert inline assembly code into your program. It is specific to CodeVisionAVR compiler only.Say for example, in some application you need the delay of exact 500ns. Operating freq of uC is 16MHz. Now to generate this delay you can use 4 NOP instructions in ur programm.

1 NOP takes one clock cycles and so 4 NOPs will produce desired delay. It should be written as follows:#asmnopnopnopnop#endasmIf you want to include only one single instruction in then you can do it with:#asm(“nop”).

SiddiAre you sure you have already set mega16 to internal 8MHz oscillator? Whenever you buy brand new IC from a shop, it is by default set to internal 1MHz oscillator. If you would have set the fuse bits to use external crystal then, uC will not function until you connect crystal to it.ATmega doensn’t need anything special for programming. Everything is handled by the ponyprog. If your setup is not working, then there can be problem with uC or problem with parallel port converter. I have already mentioned that is it not guaranteed that such converter will work for uC programming.

I just connected the following signals between controller and the parallel port1. MOSI5 RESET6. GND.(all signals are directly connected, no pull-ups or pull-downs)I just have 7805 with capacitors and am using the default internal 8MHz oscillator)Parallel port is under bi-directional mode (I tried also all other possibilities).I used all default values at PonyProg:Interface setup: Parallel: Avr ISP I/OI get Probe test:OKCalibration test: OKBut when I tried to program the atmega16 I always get this errror:DEVICE MISSING OR UNKNOWN DEVICE (-24).It doesn’t even erase, neither writes program in it. I always shows the same error like aboveDoes atmega16 need some special initialization command tho make the isp programing possible or am I missing something here?Can anyone help me please?

I am a newbie to electronics and have now spent days collecting information and downloading software’s from internet. Can someone please tell me how to change the fuse bit settings wen i use and external clock?I have understood the programming as explained in the “Avr tutorial 2”. Does the same header files and the same programming terminology get compiled if i work in AVR Studio 4?I work on my laptop, so is it ok if i use a USB to parallel converter too burn the programs in the uC through my laptop?Please reply as soon as possible.

KisterYes it is taken from sercon2 mini. I have given the reference too. Only thing I added is I made it more complete by adding crystal and supply connections.


Sercon2 Mini assumes that all things required for uC to run(like correct supply and crystal) are already in place. I have specifically shown them in this diagram to avoid confusion. If you have those things already in circuit (i.e. If you are doing In System Programming) then of course you can elecromt them.To make sure that your programmer works, keep wire length less than a meter. And construct the programmer on the grid PCB. Don’t solder any components hanging in air.

Buy Serial Port

ShyamI am new to programming of MCs.I would burn Atmega8 through that parallel programmer.I want to ask that in the circuit you have used a 4Mhz crystal,so for that do i needto change the fuse settings?When you buy ATmega8 from shop, its fuse bits are configured to use internal 1MHz RC oscillator. So while burning the code you don’t need any crystal as such. And you can use the uC without connecting any crystal.However, if you decide to change the fuse bit settings from internal RC oscillator to external Crystal then you will have to connect the crystal. Means, Suppose:You Want to change the fuse bits settings so that uC uses external crystal Then —– You need not connect crystal first while setting the fuse bits for external crystal configuration.

Parallel Port

Because, whenever fuse bits are re-written, new settings are applied after uC is resetted.– So for changing the fuse bits settings, you don’t need crystal. But once you execute the command for changing the fusebits from pony prog, then, from that time onwards your uC will not work, until you connect the the crystal– Thus best way is keep crystal connected in the programmer circuit. It will be simply ignored by the uC when internal RC oscillator is selected.Second query is that after burning for the first time how to burn the MC forthe second time and how many times it can be programmed(at max)?You can simply execute the programming sequence mentioned above. There is no difference between burning the uC for 1st time and for 2nd time(and so on ). UC’s internal flash memory gets wear out after reprogramming it for certain number of times.

For ATmega8, you can safely reprogram it upto 10,000 times. This is mentioned in the datasheet of every AVR on the very first page. It is written as: “Endurance: 10,000 write/erase cycles”. All the content (articles, and images) on this Blog are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (Unless otherwise specified). In simple words you are free to remix, tweak, and build upon this work, use images and photographs published here as stock images for your blog or websites, even for commercial purposes, as long as you mention credits (by providing a link) to this page or site, clearly and unambiguously, in your work and license your new creations under the identical terms. This blog is created with a spirit of helping fellow human beings by sharing knowledge and experience. Creator(s) of this blog, or this blog, will not be responsible for your decisions, choices, actions, or inactions based on these materials.© 2019.

If you manage to burn the Arduino bootloader, than you should be able to upload sketches from the IDE similarly to the technique used for the Single Sided Arduino (through the serial interface).This circuit reference could be useful:Concretely the lower-left part of it, which shows the pinouts of the RS232 connector used along with some transistors to lower the potencial 12V to TTL logic. But if the RS232 to USB convertor shown in your photo is the 'PremiumCord ku2-232a',or a similar one based on the 'FT232RL' chip, than it should output a maximum of 4.9V as HIGH on the RS232 side, according to it's.

Attiny Serial Port Programmer

Attiny Serial Port Programmer Manual

Therefore you should be able to safely use it without the transistors.To the construction of the device: I would just tie the according pins on the ATtiny13: PIN5 on ATtiny13 - MOSI (Master Out Slave In) to PIN3 on the RS232, PIN6 - MISO to PIN2 and the PIN1 - RESET to PIN4. Than PIN4 on ATtiny (GND) to PIN5 on RS232.But you still need to get 5V from somewhere and it needs to share the same ground with the RS232 connector (preferably from an USB of the same PC).